20 Sample Papers in Mathematics Class-XII
The book 20 Sample Papers in Mathematics has been prepared according to the latest syllabus issued by CBSE and conforms to its design of Question Paper and Sample Paper issued by the CBSE.
The book contains CBSE Sample Paper with model solution. CBSE Examination 2018 and two papers of CBSE Examination Papers will help the student, to know about the level ans type of question being asked now-a-days.
Besides this 17 sample papers on the basis of CBSE pattern for 2019 examination have also been included. Model solutions of first 7 papers have been provided. thus making the total numbers of solved paper to twelve. Each paper has been set of a maximum of 100 marks as per the latest CBSE pattern i.e. 4 questions of 1 mark each , 8 questions of 2 marks each, 11 questions of 4 marks and 6 questions of 6 marks each.
The students are advised to attempt the questions in the solved sample papers independently and then tally it with the model solutions. This will give them a chance to evaluate their understanding of the subject.
10 unsolved sample papers are prepared according to latest pattern and the level of questions are set as per the level asked in previous two years examinations and Latest CBSE Sample Paper.
We hope that this book will be very useful for the students to build confidence and get very good marks in the board examination.