An Illustrated Textbook Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery

875.00 850.00

• This book is aimed at undergraduates, however, DLO students and first year postgraduate ENT residents will also benefit

• Very latest advances in the specialty have been included, such as Skull Base Surgery, Thyroplasty, Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Cochlear Implantation, Hearing Implants, etc

• Diseases prevalent in this part of the world and other third world countries has been given due importance

• A separate section on Pediatric Otolaryngology has been included

• Special emphasis has been given to pathophysiology of diseases rather than ‘mugging up’ without really understanding the facts

• ‘Key Points’ (in colored boxes) have been given after every chapter for easy and quick revision before the examination.
