Analysis of Structures - Vol. II Theory, Design and Details of Structures-----khanna

375.00 355.00

General Concepts ♦ Analysis of Interminate Beams ♦ Elastic Theorems and Energy Principles
♦ Deflection of Statically Determinate Structures ♦ Strain Energy Method ♦ Slope Deflection Method ♦ Moment Distribution Method ♦ Column Analogy Method ♦ Elastic Centre Method ♦ Redundant Frames ♦ Approximate Analysis of Multi-storey Frames ♦ Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate Beams ♦ Two Hinged Arch ♦ Fixed Arches ♦ Cables and Suspension Bridges ♦ Dams, Retaining Walls and Chimneys ♦ Plastic Analysis of Structures ♦ Statically Determinate Pin-jointed Space Structures ♦ Statically Indeterminate Pin-jointed Space Structures ♦ Beams Curved in Plan ♦ Structural Dynamics ♦Fatigue ♦ Objective Type Questions.
