API Textbook of Medicine (2 Volume) with CD-ROM
The book is completely revised, updated and better illustrated. There
are over 3000 pages with 1622 fi gures and 1460 tables. These large
numbers of tables and fi gures have been used so that the information is
easily understood and reading is facilitated. In this endeavour, many
new additions have been done as compared to the previous edition. The
book consists of 29 parts and each part discusses a group of disorders.
In addition, 28 new chapters have also been added.
1. An entirely new part Future of Medicine, has been added. This
part of the book deals with the anticipated progress in medicine which
will be put to clinical use in the coming one to two decades or the
advances that are being used in their early stages in clinical practice.
2. A new chapter on Disease Profi le and Epidemiology of
Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases in India has been added so
that the reader has an ample understanding of the diseases commonly
prevalent in this part of the world.
3. During the 9th edition, a new part had been added Clinical
Approach to Key Manifestations. This has been further expanded and six
new chapters have been added out of which one deals with the selection
of the imaging modality which will be best suited to a clinical
4. Part 4 of the book on Clinical Pharmacology has been
re-oriented and new authors have contributed chapters. One of the
chapters deals with National Formulatory of India in the National Health
5. The Part 7 on Critical Care Medicine has been thoroughly
revised and to put adequate emphasis on cardiac resuscitation, a
separate chapter has been devoted to Advanced Cardiac Life Support
6. The parts of the book dealing with various life-style
disorders such as diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases have
been re-oriented for better understanding of the newer guidelines which
have emerged.
7. A chapter on life-style measures, diabetes in the elderly and
prevention of cardiovascular diseases have been added and discussed.
8. In the part dealing with gastrointestinal disorders,
Pancreatitis has been divided into two parts—a chapter on Acute
Pancreatitis and the other on Chronic Pancreatitis have been added,
while Neoplasms of the Pancreas fi nds a separate chapter.
9. Similarly, Tumours of the Liver has been discussed as a separate chapter.
10. Chronic pulmonary disorders and sleep-related pulmonary
disorders are increasing in prevalence and to address these issues the
chapters have been thoroughly re-written and a chapter on Pulmonary
Rehabilitation has been added in this part of the book.
11. Similarly, the management of stroke has been signifi cantly
modifi ed and the chapters on Ischaemic or Haemorrhagic Stroke have been
thoroughly revised and re-written.
12. A chapter on Oral Health and its relationship to systemic diseases has been presented separately.
13. For the fi rst time, Futuristic Medicine and the problems of Space Travel have been delineated and highlighted.
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