Awareness Science for Class 8 Paperback

450.00 427.00

by Lakhmir Singh  (Author), Manjit Kaur (Author)

1. Learning objectives clearly lay down the expected outcome of each chapter.
2. Warm up at the beginning of each chapter involves the students by bringing out what they already know and initiating discussions.
3. Emphasis is given on understanding concepts using very simple explanations and language.
4. Thinking questions encourage creative thinking, application and problem-solving skills.
5. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are included in exercises.
6. Linked Internet sites in each chapter help the children acquire wider knowledge, carry out research, conduct experiments and play educational games.
7. Two Sample test paper are included.
8. Project section provides a variety of projects-find out, do it yourself experiments, model making, observation and deduction, information gathering and presentation, field trips, etc., to develop various skills.
