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This book aims at presenting the topics of Bridge Engineering written in a simple manner. The
subject-matter is characterized by comprehensive as well as methodical and easy-to-follow style.
Out line of Sixteenth Revised and Enlarged edition of this popular and highly acclaimed book of
Bridge Engineering are as below:
Chapter 1 gives Introduction of the subject.
Chapters 2 and 3 of Bridge Foundations, expanded and divided in two separate chapters. Foun-
dation I: Spread and Pile Foundations and Foundation II: Caissons and Cofferdams.
Chapter 4 explains Sub-structures such as Abutments, Piers, Wing Walls etc.
Chapter 5 gives variety of Fixed-Span Super-structures – Various Types of Bridges such as Sim-
ple, Cantilever, Arch, Bow-string Girder type, Rigid Frame, Suspension, Cable-stayed bridges.
Chapter 6 consists Low cost Bridges: Movable-Span Super-structures.
Chapter 7 consists Low cost Bridges: Culverts and Causeways.
Chapter 8 consists Low cost Bridges: Timber or Temporary Bridges.
Chapter 9 discusses Flooring. It includes Factors, Requirements of Floorings, Types of Floor-
ings and various Flooring Materials etc.
Chapter 11 mention the Broad Outline of Loading on Bridges.
Chapter 12 This newly added chapter gives knowledge on Construction and Erection Methods
of Bridge Super-structure.
Chapter 13 is newly added chapter on Maintenance of the bridges.
Chapter 14 give various Miscellaneous Topics such as Afflux; Approaches of Bridge; Bridge
Architecture, Clearance and Freeboard, Combined Road and Railway Bridges; Double-decker
Bridge; Economic Span of Bridge, Grip Length, Handrails, Joints of Bridge; M.F.D. or H.F.L.;
River Training Works etc.
In Appendix, Marvellous Bridges of the world, which gives technical information, such as India’s
latest Bandra-Worli Sea Link, Mumbai, India; The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, USA;
Tower Bridge, London, UK, Sundial Bridge, California, USA and Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon
Glass Bridge, Chaina.
The text-matter has been arranged systematically into Fourteen Chapters assisted by:
* 224 Self-explanatory and neatly drawn sketches;
* 12 Illustrative problems;
* 20 Important useful tables;
Typical questions at the end of the chapters.
The book should prove to be extremely useful to the Civil Engineering students preparing for
the Degree Examinations of all the Indian Universities, Diploma Examinations conducted by
various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate Courses as well as for the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C.,
G.A.T.E., I.E.S. and other similar competitive and professional examinations. It should also
prove of interest to the practising professional
