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This book, a companion volume to the author’s book on Building Materials, explains the basics of building construction practices in an accessible style. It discusses in detail every element of building construction from start to the finish—from site preparation to provision of services (such as water supply, drainage and electricity supply). Besides, the text describes acoustics and maintenance of buildings, which are important considerations in construction of buildings.

This book is recommended in Royal School of Engineering and Technology, Assam, Assam Engineering College, NIT Patna, Aryabhat Knowledge University, Patna.

This book is primarily designed as an introductory textbook for under-graduate students of civil engineering as well as those pursuing diploma courses in civil engineering and architecture. Practising engineers and any person who has a keen interest in the construction and maintenance of his/her own building will also find the book very helpful.


 Separate Appendix is given to discuss earthquake-resistant design of buildings.

 Review Questions provided at the end of each chapter enable the readers recapitulate the topics.

 The references to IS codes and standards make the text suitable for further study and field use.

 Because of the lecture-based presentation of the subject, the text will be of considerable benefit for the young teachers for their classroom lectures.

Foreword • Preface • Acknowledgements
1. Components of a Building and Building Specifications
2. Site Preparation and Setting Out of Works
3. Earthwork and Anti-termite Treatment
4. Construction of Foundation
5. Brick Masonry
6. Block Masonry
7. Stone Masonry
8. Arches and Lintels
9. DPC and Waterproofing of Basements
10. Concrete Work
11. Temporary Works: Formwork and Scaffolding
12. Bending and Placing of Reinforcement in RCC Works
13. Plastering and Pointing
14. Flooring—General Considerations
15. Concrete and Brick Floors
16. Stone Floors
17. Ceramic Tile Floors and Walls
18. Resilient Floors
19. Woodblock and Parquet Flooring
20. Terrazzo Work
21. Flat-floor and Flat-roofs Constructions
22. Sloped Roofs
23. Doors, Windows and Ventilators
24. Timber Joints and Glazing
25. Stairs and Lifts
26. Painting
27. Waterproofing and Weatherproofing RC Roofs & Waterproofing Wet Areas
28. Roof Drainage and Repair of Leakage
29. Water Supply in Buildings
30. Drainage of Wastewater and Sewage above Ground
31. Drainage of Foul Water below the Ground Level
32. Electricity Supply in Buildings
33. Common Equipment Used in Construction of Ordinary Buildings
34. Municipal Requirements in Planning of Buildings
35. Design of Buildings for Comfort in Hot Climates
36. Acoustics of Buildings
37. Welding and Structural Steelworks
38. Joining Pipes
39. Miscellaneous Works
40. Maintenance of Buildings
A. Design of Brick Masonry Walls
B. Earthquake-Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings
C. Estimating Costs and Material Requirements
D. Major Items of Works for Construction of a Single-storey Residential Building
E. Equivalent Plain Areas of Uneven Surfaces for Payment for Painting of Building Works
F. Syllabus for Building Construction
References • Index 
