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This practice-oriented book, now in its second edition, presents a lucid yet comprehensive coverage of the engineering properties and uses of the materials commonly used in building construction in India. Profusely illustrated with tables and diagrams, the book brings into light the basics of building materials and their specifications. Besides giving information regarding the traditional building materials, the text now acquaints the reader with up-to-date and in-depth information pertaining to modern materials available in the market. The references to IS codes and standards make this text suitable for further study and field use.

The second edition possesses some substantial changes in Chapters 12, 13, 14 and 20. Now, the book offers a new section on durability of concrete in Chapter 12; a modified section regarding revision of IS 10262 (1982) code on concrete mix design to IS 10262 (2009) and a new section on classification of exposure conditions in Chapter 13; and a new section relating to large advances made in concrete construction and repair chemicals in Chapter 14. Besides, the content of Chapter 20 has been completely updated, with a particular emphasis on the extensive use of aluminium in building construction.

Primarily intended for the students pursuing undergraduate degree (B.E./B.Tech.) and diploma courses in civil engineering and architecture, the book, on account of lecture-based presentation of the subject, should also prove eminently utilitarian for the young teachers to use it in their classroom lectures as well as for practising engineers to get a clear understanding of the fundamentals of the subject.

New to the SECOND Edition

Review questions at the end of each chapter enable the reader to recapitulate the topics
Considerable attention is given on field practice
Syllabus of laboratory work on construction materials and a model question paper (Anna University) are given in appendices to guide the reader.



Preface to the First Edition


1.      Building Stones

2.      Clay Bricks

3.      Cement and Concrete Blocks

4.      Lime

5.      Cement

6.      Pozzolanas

7.      Sand (Fine Aggregate)

8.      Coarse Aggregate

9.      Water

10.    Mortars and Plasters

11.    Cement Concrete

12.    Special Structural Concretes

13.    Mix Design of Ordinary Grade Concrete

14.    Concrete Chemicals and Ready-Mixed Concrete

15.    Timber

16.    Industrial Timber Products

17.    Glass for Buildings

18.    Cast Iron and Steel

19.    Market Forms of Steel

20.    Aluminium and Its Alloys

21.    Other Metals and Their Alloys

22.    Paints, Distempers and Varnishes

23.    Rubber

24.    Plastics

25.    Asphalt, Bitumen and Tar

26.    Adhesives, Sealants and Joint Fillers

27.    Ceramic Products

28.    Asbestos and Asbestos-Cement

29.    Geosynthetics

30.    Materials for Waterproofing and Damp-Proofing

31.    Materials for Flooring

32.    Light Roofing Materials

33.    Pipes Used in Building Construction

34.    Door and Window Fittings

Appendix A. Syllabus of Laboratory Work

Appendix B. Model Question Paper on Building Materials

