Business Environment For Strategic Management-himalaya

675.00 654.00

The second edition of Business Environment for Strategic Management has been enriched with the following changes:

1. Four new chapters have been added:
Chapter 2 – Business Environment
Chapter 31 – External Sector
Chapter 36 - Business Ethics
Chapter 37 - Corporate Governance
2. At the end of each environmental factor is included a section on its analysis and integration in the corporate strategic management.
3. A new features assignment is added at the end of each of each chapter. If taken up by the students seriously, assignment help them bridge the gap between what is being practiced in the industry and what is being read in the book.
4. Each page the margin notes which are value add to the book.
5. The book has new outlook and multiple colour printing.


Contents :

1. Nature in Business
2. Business environment
3. Meaning and Rationale for Globalization
4. Strategies for Going Global
5. From Domestic Market to Global Markets
6. India, WTO and the Trading Blocks
7. Technological Environment
8. Political Institutions
9. The Constitution of India
10. Rationale and Extent of State Intervention
11. End of Government in business?
12. Economics Environment
13. Industrial Policy
14. Industrial Licensing
15. From the MRTP Act, 1969 to the Competition Act, 2003
16. From Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, to Foreign Exchange Management Act
17. The Companies Act, 1956
18. Public Sector Enterprises
19. Privatisation
20. Small Scale Industries
21. Industrial Labour
22. Industrial Sickness
23. Exit Policy
24. Infrastructure
25. Development Banks
26. Stock Exchanges
27. Monetary and Fiscal Policies
28. Agriculture
29. Balanced Regional Development
30. Price and Distribution Controls
31. External Sector
32. New Economic Policy
33. Cultural Environment
34. Social Responsibility of Business
35. Business and Society
36. Business Ethics
37. Corporate Governance
38. Natural Environment
39. Integrating Environment and Strategic Management
