Business Research Methods------jaico

375.00 355.00

Designed for students undertaking project and thesis work at diploma, masters and doctorate levels, this book is an ideal source to guide students faced with projects and dissertations through the pitfalls of research methods. Unique among books of this kind, it contains a comprehensive listing and critical discussion of the available secondary sources of Irish data suitable for marketing, finance and human resource research projects. There is also a useful discussion on the impact of the Internet as a source for business research.

Business Research Methods details the importance of methodological thinking as well as technical knowledge, showing how this combination will enable students to select the most effective research approach and design and implement the actual research strategy. The book’s scope includes survey research, the sampling process, case study research, action science and report writing skills.

Business Research Methods will ensure that business students have a firm understanding of the main methodological approaches to business research from both a practical and a theoretical perspective.
