Case Studies in Diabetic Foot
The diabetic foot is a major medical, social and economic problem worldwide.
People with diabetes may develop a number of foot problems as a result of damage to nerves and blood vessels.
These problems can easily lead to infection and ulceration, which increases a person’s risk of amputation.
In India more than 1,00,000 lower limb amputations, due to diabetes,
are performed each year and the figure may be much higher as we do not
have an amputation registry.
Going through these case studies
will help the healthcare providers in better understanding of the
complex nature of diabetic foot and help them in their day-to-day
management of diabetic foot patients.
This book almost covers various nature of diabetic foot from neuropathic to ischemic to infected and also Charcot’s foot.
Cases where simple, cost-effective and easy-to-apply modalities have
been used and simultaneously cases where aggressive multidisciplinary
approach and advanced modalities were used to prevent amputations have
been described.
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