CBSE Laboratory Manual Physical Education Class 11 Paperback

225.00 213.00

No theory can be proved without experimentation. It is because the conclusions observed and verified in real time are authentic and easy to retain. CBSE conducts Practical Exams along with theoretical exam to test the scientific aptitude of students. CBSE Class 11th, Physical Education Lab Manual includes guidelines for Experiments, Activities and Projects in accordance with the curriculum. Each practical is supported with relevant theory, procedure, observations and calculation, precautions and viva voce in the format to be followed in the laboratory. The book serves as the step by step guide for conducting experiments explaining the relevance of each step. The book covers all aspects of the experiment in such a way that students will not need to refer any other book for explanations of the concepts.
Table of Contents
Physical Fitness: AAPHER Test
Team Games: Archery, badminton, bocce, gymnastic, judo, swimming, table tennis, taekwondo,
Record File: Athletics (400m Track and Field), Body Mass Index (BMI), Sports Awards in India, Yoga.
