Competitive Examinations Handbook in Mechanical Engineering ----khanna

250.00 240.00

Table of Contents

♦Engineering Mechanics ♦ Strength of Materials ♦ Theory of Machines ♦ Mechanical Vibrations ♦ Machine Design ♦ Material Science ♦ Measurement & Instrumention ♦ Fluid Mechanics ♦ Hydraulic Machines ♦ Thermodynamics ♦ Internal Combustion Engines ♦ Renewable Energy Sources ♦ Steam Engineering ♦ Turbomachinery ♦ Power Plant Technology ♦ Heat Transfer ♦ Refrigeration & Air-conditioning ♦ Metal Machining Technology ♦ Machine Tool Technology♦ Metal Forming Processes ♦ Casting Technology ♦ Welding Processes ♦ Metrology & Quality Control ♦ Industrial Engineering ♦ Miscellaneous Topics ♦ Quiz-Questions ♦ Matching Type Questions ♦ Fill in the Blanks ♦ True and False ♦ Assertion and Reasoning ♦ Preparing for Competitive Examinations.
