Construction Engineering & Management of Projects (for Infrastructure and Civil works)-------khanna

365.00 345.00

Part-I (Construction Management)
♦ Introduction to Construction Management ♦ Principles of Management ♦ Human Resource Management ♦ Behavioural Science, Industrial Relations and Labor Laws ♦ Economical Aspects ♦ Financial Management ♦ PWD System of Accounts ♦ Phases in Project Planning and Implementation ♦ Contract Administration and Management ♦ Materials Management ♦ Equipment Management ♦ Maintenance Management ♦ Site (Field) Management ♦ Safety in Construction ♦ Quality Assurance ♦ Construction Equipment ♦ Project Scheduling ♦ Network Techniques ♦ Environmental Aspects ♦ Resettlement and Rehabilitation (R & R) ♦ Construction Project Management

Part-II ( Construction Engineering )
♦ Introduction to Construction Engineering ♦ Land Development and Soil Mechanics ♦ Foundation Engineering ♦ Aggregate Production ♦ Underground Works and Tunnelling ♦ Highway and Bridges Construction ♦ Concrete Technology   Hydraulic Structures ♦ Building Construction ♦ Building Services ♦ Modern Trends in Building Construction and Multi-strey Structures ♦  Railways  ♦  Index
