Defining the Value of Spine Care

2,500.00 2,399.00


Fernando Techy, MD(University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine)


ortant topic that is poorly understood by spine surgeons -- the concepts of value-based spine care.


value-based healthcare is clearly met through a series of concise and complete chapters written by renowned professionals inside and out of spine surgery. Since value-based healthcare concepts dictate how the procedures we perform are reimbursed and are frequently being used as outcome measures in many high quality studies, it is mandatory that spine health professionals be familiar with their definitions and significance.


This book is edited by renowned spine surgeons from a world-class spine surgery service. Their research and clinical experience is vast and there is no group more appropriate than this one to introduce outcome measures to spine surgeons. This book is directed at all spine healthcare professionals.


The book goes over outcome measures for different spine pathologies and their relationship with cost and research. There is no doubt that this is a very dry subject, but the authors do a good job of keeping this important information short and relevant for surgeons and researchers.


To my knowledge, this is the first book to gather this important information on value-based medicine and direct it at spine health professionals. The book meets a definite need in this area.
