Democratic Politics - 1 : Textbook in Social Science for Class - 9

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This Democratic Politics - 1: Textbook in Social Science is the perfect tool for the class 9 students to learn about the emergence of Democracy and its place in the world politics along with India. It has been published by NCERT and follows the syllabus prescribed by the CBSE. It comes in a paperback form.

Chapters Covered in this Book:

• Democracy in the Contemporary World

• What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

• Constitutional Design

• Electoral Politics

• Working of Institutions

• Democratic Rights

Salient features of the Textbook:

• It comes with enriched content that gives the students a clear idea about the end of colonialism and the emergence of a modern democratic country in India.

• Providing with a clear idea about the infrastructure of Democracy, it enlightens the intellect of the students and shapes their thought process.

• Interactive flow of words let the students sharpen their skills as well as remain keen on learning the subject by heart.

• Ideal for the class 9 students, this textbook contains exercises that will sharpen the young minds.
