Design and Analysis of Steel Structures-----khanna

375.00 355.00

General notes on design *Types of structures and structural framing *Riveted, bolted and pin connections *Welded connections *Friction grip bolts *Design of beams *Crane girders *Plate girders *Tension members *Compression members *Column bases and foundations *Roof trusses *Portal trusses and workshop buildings *Water tanks *Self-supporting steel stacks or chimneys *Shallow bunkers with hooper bottoms *Steel bridges *Bearings *Plastic analysis of structures *Tower and masts *Timber structures *Pressure vessels *Computer aided analysis *Limit state design *Limit state design of tension members *Limit state design of compression members *Limit state design of members subjected to bending *Members subjected to combined forces *Classified objective type questions and answers *Classified solved examples
