Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures-------khanna
Introduction *Singly reinforced beams *Slabs spanning in one direction
*Shear, bond development length and anchorage *Doubly reinforced beams
*T and L beams *Axially loaded columns *Two-way reinforced slabs
*Combined bending and direct stresses *R.C.C. footings and foundations
*Stair cases *Retaining walls *Domes *R.C.C. chimneys *Water tanks
*Design of aqueducts and box culverts *Portals and building frames
*Bunkers and silor *Form work *Sheet,pilem pierm and wharf structures
*Detailing of R.C.C. Structures *Composite sections *Reinforced concrete
bridges *Prestressed concrete *Sub-structure of bridges *Shell
construction *Folded plate construction