EHV-AC, HVDC Transmission and Distribution Engineering---khanna

350.00 335.00

General background *HVDC power flow *Steady state Ud/Id Characteristic *Converter connections, rectifier and inverter waveforms *Equations of voltage and current on AC and DC side *Fundamental of harmonics and network harmonic impedance *Harmonic filters *Reactive power compensation in HVDC substations *Earth electrode and earth return *Configuration and layout of HVDC terminal *HVDC circuit-breaker and metallic return transfer breaker and parallel tap circuit breaker *Multi-terminal HVDC systems *Protective zones and protective systems in HVDC substations *HVDC system control *AC network frequency control and stabilisation by HVDC damping control and power modulation *Insulation coordination and surge arrester protection in HVDC and EHV AC substations*Overvoltages and surge arrester protection in HVDC substations *Insulation requirement of EHV-AC and HVDC equipment and transmission lines *Waveform distortion and telephone influence factors *Converter transformers *DC smoothing reactors *Mercury arc valves *Thyristors, quadric-valves, triggering and cooling system *Dielectric tests, type tests and routine tests *Testing of thyristor Valves *DCCT and DCVT in HVDC substations *EHV AC and HVDC system studies, models, HVDC simulator, digital computer and TNA *Computer aided engineering(CAE) in power systems *Engineering aspects of EHV-AC transmission and transmission planning *Overhead line conductors and fittings (EHV-AC and HVDC) *Line insulators and substation insulator *Tower design based on switching surge with stand *Electrostatic field at ground level and biological effects (EHV-AC and HVDC) *Corona and corona losses (EHV-AC and HVDC) *Active & Reactive power flow, voltage stability *Procedures in AC Transmission system calculations *Calculations of R.L. C constants, reactive power, charging currents and surge impedance load *Performance calculations of short and medium AC lines *Very long AC lines. Voltage and current equations. Standing waves *Distribution system *Protection of distribution systems *Load management *Rural electrification *Distribution system calculations
