395.00 375.00


This comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to Electrical Machines is designed to meet the needs of undergraduate electrical engineering students. It presents the essential principles of rotating machines and transformers. The emphasis is on the performance, though the book also introduces the salient features of electrical machine design.

The book provides accessible, student-friendly coverage of dc machines, transformers, three-phase induction motor, single-phase induction motor, fractional horsepower motors, and synchronous machines. The clear writing style of the book enhanced by illustrative figures and simplified explanations of the fundamentals, makes it an ideal text for gaining a thorough understanding of the subject of electrical machines.

Key Features Include:

•Detailed coverage of the construction of electrical machines.

•Lucid explanations of the principles of operation of electrical machines.

•Methods of testing of electrical machines.

•Performance calculations of electrical machines.

•Wealth of diverse solved examples in each chapter to illustrate the application of theory to practical problems.

•Salient features of design of electrical machines.

•Objective type questions to help students prepare for competitive exams.

Preface. Introduction. 1. DC Machines. 2. Transformers. 3. Three-Phase Induction Motor. 4. Single-Phase Induction Motor. 5. AC Commutator Motor (and Some Special Motors). 6. Synchronous Machines. Appendices—1: Objective Type Questions. 2: Special Features of Transformer Design. 3: Special Features of DC Machine Design. 4: Special Features of Three-Phase Induction Motor Design. 5: Special Features of Design of Synchronous Machine. Index.  
