Electrical Power Systems---khanna

450.00 430.00

Introduction to electrical power generation, energy resources and power plants *Alternative and renewable energy power plants and energy storage plants *Coal fired thermal power stations *Gas turbine power plants and combined cycle power plants *Diesel power stations *Hydro-electric power plants *Nuclear fission, nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants *Magneto hydro dynamic (MHD) system of power generation *Load curves, load factor and plant factors *Economic considerations-power costing, plant reserves and tariff *Transmission and distribution *Overhead lines and its mechanical characteristics *Line insulators *Constants of transmission line *Short transmission lines * Long transmission lines – exact solution *Economic principles of transmission and economic operation of power system *D.C. Distribution *A.C. Distributors *Power cables *Circle diagram *Power system stability *Substations – AC, HVDC, GIS *Corona and corona losses *HVDC transmission *Busbar system and reactors *Symmetrical component *Neutral earthing *Fuses *Switchgear and circuit-breaker principles *Protective relaying electromagnetic and static relays *Protection against lightning and insulation co-ordination *Transients using Laplace transforms *Transmission line surges *Industrial utilization of electric of electric motors and drives *Electrical heating and welding *Illumination *Electrolytic processes *Systems of electric traction *Speed time curve and mechanics of train movement  *Traction motors *Braking *Electrical safety, electric shocks and their prevention *Objective type of Questions and Answers
