Elements of Matrix and Stability Analysis of Structures------khanna

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*Statical Indeterminacy *Degree of freedom *Solution of equations *Sign convention *Energy method for establishing stiffness matrics *Equivalent joint loads *Computation of reactions 
*Basic concepts of matrix analysis of structures *Deflections of determinate structures *Statically indeterminate system *Stress due to lack of fit and temperature *Displacement method of analysis *Direct stiffness method *Frames with sloping members *Grid analysis *Stiffness matrix through potential energy *Unstable elements *Conventional Rayleigh-Ritz Method (CRRM-1908) *Improved Rayleigh-Ritz Method (IRRM-1994) *Additional information on Rayleigh-Ritz Method *Central deflection of simply supported beams *Central deflection of fixed beams *Special problems
*Introduction *The Euler columns *Simple stability problems *Generation of shape functions *Double integration method *Single integration method(1997) *Centre of gravity method *Method of weighted moment of interia *Lower bound solution for non-prismatic euler columns *Upper bound solution for euler columns *Work method for euler columns *Moment integration concept *Method of successive approximation *Timoshenko's energy method *Applications of potential energy concepts columns (1998) *Stodola’s method *Questions and answers in Structural engineering *Auxiliary stability functions *Distinct stability functions *Solved exercises
