Engineering Mathematics Volume-I, 12/e DR. B. KRISHNA GANDHI, DR. T.K.V. LYENGAR, Dr. M.V.S.S.N. PRASAD & S. RANGANATHAM-S.CHAND

525.00 475.00

Unit - I Theory Of Matrices 1. Real & Complex Matrices And Linear System Of Equations 3 - 160 2. Eigen Values And Eigen Vectors 161 - 268 3. Quadratic Forms 269 - 333 Unit - Ii Differential Calculus Methods 4. Functions Of Single Variable - Mean Value Theorems 337 - 381 5. Functions Of Several Variables 382 - 463 Unit - Iii Improper Integration, Multiple Integration & Applications 6. Improper Integration (Beta And Gamma Functions) 467 - 539 7. Multiple Integrals 540 - 633 Unit - Iv Diffeential Equations And Applications 8. Differential Equations Of First Order And First Degree 637 - 770 9. Linear Differential Equations Of Second And Higher Order 771 - 879 Unit - V Laplace Transforms And Its Applications To Ordinary Differential Equations 10. Laplace Transforms 883 - 946 11. Inverse Laplace Transforms 947 - 1032
