Examguru All In One CBSE Chapterwise Question Bank for Class 6 Mathematics Paperback

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by Kuber (Author)

Exam Guru Mathematics - VI is based on the latest curriculum guidelines specified by the CBSE. The book will certainly prove to be a torch-bearer for those who toil hard to achieve their goal. 
Salient Features of the Book: 
1- The whole book is well designed to aim at total and easy learning. This will not only build up students’ morale but their confidence also. 
2- Each chapter is designed in Topicwise manner where every topic is briefly explained with sufficient solved examples and exercise. 
3- All topic wise exercises incorporate VSA, SA-I, SA-II and LA for in-depth practice and learning. 
4- Most important questions from NCERT Textbook and NCERT Exemplar are included. 
5- HOTS and Value Based Questions have been given to assess students understanding beyond the text and its application in the real world. Term wise Periodic Test Papers, Model Examination Papers and Chapter wise worksheets provided at the end of the book prepare the student from examination point of view.
