Femtolaser Cataract Surgery
Cataract Surgery has seen incredible changes in the last 100 years.
Femtosecond Laser-assisted Cataract Surgery is the latest innovation in
the field of Anterior Segment
Surgery, a technique that allows surgeons to achieve amazing refractive
This textbook is addressed to all Surgeons, Phacoemulsification
Experts and young Ophthalmologists, as a guide to the new experiene with
Femto-cataract. The first part will explain how we went from
Reclinatio, through ICCE, ECCE and Phacoemulsification, to
Femto-cataract surgery, the physics of the Femtosecond Laser and the
environment of Femto-cataract Laser.
LenSx (Alcon), Victus (Bausch & Lomb), Lens AR (Topcon),
Catalys (Abbott) and LDV Z8 (Ziemer) are the Femto-cataract Lasers
actually in commerce. The authors, pioneers of the technique, will share
their knowledge and experience, describing tricks for the learning
curve, complicated cases and showing general advantages and
disadvantages of the technique.