Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines--khanna

285.00 270.00

Table of Contents

*Properties of fluids *Fluid pressure and its management *Hydrostatics and buoyancy *Fluid flow(kinematics and dynamics) *flow through orifices and mouthpieces *Flow over notches and weirs *Flow through pipe-I *Flow through pipes-II *Forces on immersed bodies and boundry layer theory *Flow through open channels *Dimensional and model analysis *introduction to hydraulic machines *Reciprocasting pumps *Impact of jets *Water wheels *Hydro-electric plants *Hydraulic turbines-impulse tubines *Reaction turbines-I(francis turbines) *Reaction turbine-II(axial flow turbines) *Draft tubes *Governing of turbines *Turbine performance and selection *Centrifugal pumps *Miscellaneous types of pumps *hydraulic systems *Hydro-power plant economics *control systems *Fluidics
