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Primarily intended for the undergraduate students of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering and other branches of applied science, this book, now in its second edition, presents a comprehensive coverage of the basic laws of fluid mechanics. The text discusses the solutions of fluid-flow problems that are modelled by various governing differential equations. Emphasis is placed on formulating and solving typical problems of engineering practice.

Highlights of the book

•  The text introduces the principle of fluid mechanics in a well-organized manner, beginning with the simple and proceeding to the complex.
•  The aim of laboratory manual at the end of chapters is to teach the students, how to conduct experiments in fluid mechanics. It provides the step-wise details of experiments which include objective, theory of the experiment, apparatus used in the experiment, procedure, observations, and graphs to be plotted.  It also helps the faculties related to the subject in developing the experimental set ups independently.
•  Chapter-end exercises enable the students to recapture the topics discussed and drill them in the theory.
•  Worked-out examples with solutions are useful to readers in comprehending the problems discussed.

New to the second Edition

•  Includes some minor changes and additions in the text, wherever required.
•  Presents a set of miscellaneous problems with solutions at the end of chapters.
•  Incorporates schematic diagrams of the experimental set ups at the end of the book.



Preface to the First Edition

1.    Introduction

2.    Fluid Static

3.    Fluid Kinematics

4.    Inviscid Fluid Flow

5.    Integral Analysis of Fluid Flow

6.    Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow

7.    Exact Solutions of Newtonian Fluid Flow

8.    Low Reynolds Number Flow

9.    Large Reynolds Number Flow

10.  Transition and Turbulent Flows

11.  Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Flow

12.  Dimensional Analysis and Similitude

13.  Instrumentation and Measuring Techniques

14.  CFD for Practical Flows

15.  Fluid Energy Conversion System

Miscellaneous Problems

Laboratory Manual

Schematic Diagrams
