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The book is primarily intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil engineering. It is also useful for the students of AMIE and a diploma course in civil engineering.

The book is planned as a text for the first course in foundation engineering and presents the principles and practices of selection and design of foundation for structures in a simple and concise manner. Codal references have been given to acquaint the students with prevalent methodologies adopted in practise in the country. The book provides topics of wide interest such as machine foundation, foundation on problematic soil and ground improvement techniques. A large number of solved examples and multiple choice questions are included to help readers for easy understanding of the principle of design and memorising important details for practical application. The information contained in the book is also helpful for the scholars pursuing research study and practicing engineers confronted in the field.

Key Features

 • Simple and systematic presentation of the subject matter.
 • A large number of solved and unsolved problems for practice.
 • MCQs with answers to help students appearing in competitive examinations—GATE, IES, IAS etc.
 • Annexure for ready references in different allied engineering topics.

Preface • Acknowledgements

Conversion Factors of Units

1.    Introduction to Foundation Engineering

2.    Soil Exploration

3.    Earth Pressure

4.    Earth Retaining Structure

5.    Stability of Slopes

6.    Bearing Capacity of Soils

7.    Shallow Foundation

8.    Pile Foundation

9.    Pier and Caisson

10.  Machine Foundations

11.  Foundation on Problematic Soil

12.  Ground Improvement Techniques

Appendix A: General

Appendix B: Beams of Elastic Foundations
