Fundamentals of Maintenance of Electrical Equipments----khanna

105.00 100.00

Principles and Planning of Maintenance ♦ Heating and Ventilation of Electrical Machines ♦ Mechanical Features of Electric Motors ♦ Possible Faults, Their Causes and Repairs in A.C.  Single Phase Induction Motors and D.C. Motors ♦ Lubrication System ♦ Study of Alternating and Direct Current ♦ Extracts from Indian Electricity Rules-1956 ♦ Alternating Current Motors ♦ Alternating Current Generators ♦ Direct Current Motors ♦ Direct Current Generators ♦ Conversion of Alternating Current into Direct Current ♦ Transformers ♦ Installation and Commissioning of Transmission Lines and Distribution Lines ♦ Underground Cables and Various Faults, Their Identification and Location ♦ Switchgears ♦ House Installation Maintenance ♦ Importance of Earthing, its Testing and Maintenance ♦ Fire and Fire Fighting Equipments ♦ Electric Shock ♦ Batteries ♦ Maintenance of Lifts and Cranes ♦ Control Gears and Contactors ♦ Remote Control System.
