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Intended as a textbook for the undergraduate students of civil and mechanical engineering, this book is the outcome of authors’ vast experience in this subject area. It presents the basic theories of hydraulics and all types of hydraulic machines that are used in these days in our day-to-day life.

Organized in two parts—Hydraulics (Part I) and Hydraulic Machines (Part II), the book is written in an easy-to-follow method in conformity to the syllabi followed in universities. The chapter end exercises of all the chapters are carefully prepared for the students, which enhance their problem-solving skills.

This book is also useful for the students of chemical, electrical and aeronautical engineering.

Key Features

• Copious well-illustrated figures
• Detailed description of various types of pumps and miscellaneous hydraulic machines
• Numerous solved problems and unsolved problems with answers
• Deductions and numerical examples in S.I. Units



1.    Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines: An Introduction

Part I: Hydraulics

2.    Physical Properties of Fluid

3.    Hydrostatics

4.    Hydrokinetics

5.    Hydrodynamics

6.    Flow Through Orifices and Mouthpieces

7.    Flow Over Notches and Weirs

8.    Flow Through Pipes

9.    Flow in Open Channel

10.  Laminar Flow

11.  Turbulent Flow

12.  Boundary Layer in Incompressible Flow

13.  Dimensional and Model Analysis

Part II: Hydraulic Machines

14.  Impact of Jets and Jet Propulsion

15.  Reciprocating Pumps

16.  Centrifugal Pumps

17.  Miscellaneous Pumps and Fluid Machines

18.  Hydraulic Turbines: An Introduction

19.  Impulse Turbine: Pelton Wheel

20.  Reaction Turbines

21.  Performance of Turbines

Bibliography • Index
