Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering --------khanna

415.00 395.00

Introduction to the subject with Inidan Potentials ♦ Requirement of Water for Various Uses ♦ Precipitation-Yielding Fresh Water as Surface Flow ♦ Measuring Precipitation and Hydrological Analysis of Precipitation Data ♦ Generation of Run Off (Streamflow) from Rainfall ♦ Abstractions from Rainfall for the Balance to Appear as Surface Runoff ♦ Computing Runoff form a Given Rainfall ♦ Streamflow Measurement and Ganga Discharge Curve ♦ Flood Control Measures ♦ Flood Preparedness and Emergency Evacuation ♦ Flood Forecasting Techniques ♦ Development of Surface Water through Storage Reservoirs ♦ Ground Water Extraction for Irrigation and Other Uses ♦ Planning and Development of Multipurpose Water Resources Projects ♦ Engineering Economy in Water Resources Planning ♦ Computer Applications in the Designs of Water Resources ♦ Chapterwise Multi-Choice Objective Questions
