Indian Constitution and Political Theory Class - XI
The book is divided into two Parts:
Part A : examines the socio-political realities that shaped the thinking of the Makers of the Constitution. The Constitution is not a political document alone. It also contains the philosophy of the Constitution which could be summed up in these words. Justice, Liberty, Equality and Featernity assuring the Dignity of the Individual and the Unity of the Nation. Indian political system has 'Parlimentary Democracy' and Federalism' as two of its basic institutional arrangements.
Part B: of the book relates to Political Theory that generates a spirit of reasoning amongst us. Political theory involves the analytical study of ideas and doctrines, such as justics, freedom, euality, rule of law and so on. We may identify here some of the much debated subjects nowadays: Is Reservation an Anti-poverty measure? Should there be no caste-based reservation?
Numerous pictures, photos and cartoons sourced from newspapers and journals have been provided at proper places so as to make the study material both interesting and comprehensible. I must express my gratitude to the correspondents and editors of these newspapers and journals, some of which I have been reading for more than 60 years now.