Industrial Electronics for Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians------jaico
to this multipurpose reference for a practical understanding of
electronics in the factory or laboratory. It’s perfect for people who
are not electrical engineers but who need to use electronic equipment
every day at work. Avoid or solve common problems in the use of
electronics in the factory or lab and optimize the use of measurement
and control equipment with this helpful resource!
The guide is easy to understand by anyone who has taken a high school
physics course—yet it provides quick, specific solutions for such
electronics issues as feedback, oscillation, ground loops, impedance
mismatch, noise pickup, and optimization of PID controllers.
Use Industrial Electronics as a hands-on resource to handle
typical electronics questions as they arise, as a self-study text to
provide a broad background for understanding general electronics issues
and design, or even for an instructor-led, on-the-job training course in
shop or lab electronics. Because of the highly detailed explanations in
the book, instructors themselves do not need to be experts. Of course,
the volume is perfect for use as a textbook in college and vocational
school courses.