Industrial Management and Organisational Behaviour-------khanna
Evolution of Management *Management science thoughts of various
management school *Management *Functions of management *Management
development *Effective communication and managerial skills *Management
control *Motivation *Organisational learning *Modern management system
*Management and socio economic change *Stress management *Organisation
*Evolution of industry *Business strategy and strategic thinking
*Organisational planning *Productivity *Corporate culture *Human
resources *Human resources **Human resources polymerisation **Human
resources management *Human resources planning *Function of human
resource management *Industrial psychology *Study of individual
*Organisation and the individual *Dynamic of personality *Transactional
analysis *Application of transaction analysis *Life positions *Learning
process *Training *Self development *Human relations *Attitude
*Self-esteem and assertiveness *Moral *Emotional determinates of
personality *Group dynamics and group behaviour *Roles and roles
ambiguity *Job evaluation and job satisfaction *Material management and
material handling *Production planning control and function *Operational
research *Linear programming *Waiting lines and waiting lines models
*Simulation and applications *Replacement models *The theory of games
*Maintenance models * Work study *Ergonomics *Inventory control *Chief
executives *Social welfare *The Trade Union Act, 1926 *Industrial
dispute Act, 1947