Invertibrate Zoology, 1/e E L Jordan & DR. P.S. VERMA-S.CHAND

795.00 715.00

  1. Introduction
  2. General Principles Of Systematics And Animal Classification
  3. Protoplasm
  4. Cell- Structure And Function
  5. Cell Division
  6. Reproduction
  7. Gametogenesis
  8. Fertilisation
  9. Parthenogenesis
  10. The Invertebrates
  11. Phylum Protozoa
  12. Euglena
  13. Trypanosoma
  14. Amoeba
  15. Entamoeba
  16. Elphidium
  17. Monocystis
  18. Eimeria
  19. Plasmodium
  20. Parameclum
  21. Vorticella
  22. Protozoa:Characters,Classification And Types
  23. Protozoa In General
  24. Phylum Porifera
  25. Leucosolenia
  26. Scypha(=Sycon)
  27. Porifera:Characters,Classification And Types
  28. Porifera In General
  29. Metazoa
  30. Phylum Coelenterata
  31. Hydra
  32. Obelia
  33. Aurelia
  34. Metridium(Sea Anemone)
  35. Coelenterata: Characters,Classification And Types
  36. Coelenterata In General
  37. Phylum Ctenophora
  38. Phylum Platyhelminthes
  39. Dugesia(=Euplanaria)
  40. Polystoma
  41. Fasciola(A Liver Fluke)
  42. Taenia(A Tapeworm)
  43. Platyhelminthes: Characters,Classification And Types
  44. Platyhelminthes In General
  45. Phylum Aschelminthes .............89. Hemichordata: Characters, Classification and Types.

Glossary, Selected References, Index
