Math Magic - Textbook in Mathematics for Class - 4 Paperback
by NCERT (Author)
Math Magic, published by NCERT will be ideal for any student who is studying in 4th Standard. The content of this book has been designed by closely following the syllabus and guidelines that have been prescribed by the CBSE. It welcomes the students into the vast world of Mathematics. Besides, the author(s) has tried to keep the content as simple as possible so that the little brains can easily get the concept.
Chapters included in the Textbook:
• Building with Bricks
• Long and Short
• A Trip to Bhopal
• Tick-Tick-Tick
• The Way The World Looks
• The Junk Seller
• Jugs and Mugs
• Carts and Wheels
• Halves and Quarters
• Play with Patterns
• Tables and Shares
• How Heavy? How Light?
• Fields and Fences
• Smart Charts
Salient Features of the Textbook:
1. Its colourful pictures and detailed illustration make the learning interesting for the kids.
2. Pre-solved examples will let the students understand each and every step towards solving the Mental Maths problems.
3. Exercises and do it yourself activities will brush up the mathematics skills of the students.
4. Instructions are provided to help the students grasp the fundamentals of Mathematics easily.
5. To the point definition of each concept will be easy for the students to learn by heart and memorise.