Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care, 2-Volume Set

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Using a uniquely collaborative and reader-friendly approach, expert authors Donna D. Ignatavicius and M. Linda Workman cover all the latest trends, evidence-based treatment guidelines, and additional updated information needed for safe clinical practice in medical-surgical nursing. This seventh edition features an expanded emphasis on patient safety and NCLEX Examination preparation, new ties to the QSEN priorities for patient safety, and a greater alignment with the language and focus of clinical practice. A new chapter on evidence-based practice and a wealth of effective online learning tools help solidify your mastery of medical-surgical nursing.

  • UNIQUE! Collaborative care approach organizes all medical, surgical, nursing, and other interventions within the framework of the nursing process, mirroring the nurse's role in the coordination/management of care in the real world of medical-surgical nursing.
  • Easy to read, direct-address writing style makes this one of the most readable medical-surgical nursing textbooks available.
  • UNIQUE! A focus on QSEN emphasizes patient safety and evidence-based practice with Nursing Safety Priority boxes including Drug Alerts, Critical Rescues, and Action Alerts.
  • UNIQUE! Emphasis on clinical judgment teaches you to develop skills in clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making when applying concepts to clinical situations, with Clinical Judgment Challenge questions throughout the chapters.
  • An emphasis on prioritization stresses the most important patient problems and nursing interventions, with patient problems presented in a single prioritized list of nursing diagnoses and collaborative problems.
  • UNIQUE! NCLEX preparation tools include chapter-opening Learning Outcomes and chapter-ending Get Ready for the NCLEX Examination! sections organized by NCLEX® Client Needs Categories, plus NCLEX Examination Challenge questions, with an answer key in the back of the book and on the Evolve companion website.
  • UNIQUE! A focus on nursing concepts relates concepts learned in Nursing Fundamentals with the disorders you will study in Medical-Surgical Nursing.
  • Practical learning aids include NCLEX Examination Challenges, Clinical Judgment Challenges, Best Practice for Patient Safety & Quality Care charts, common examples of drug therapy, concept maps, laboratory profiles, and more.
  • A clear alignment with the language of clinical practice reflects the real world of nursing practice with NANDA diagnostic labels where they make sense, and non-NANDA diagnostic labels when these are more common descriptions of patient problems.
  • Student Resources on an Evolve companion website help you prepare for class, clinicals, or lab with video and audio clips, animations, case studies, a concept map creator, NCLEX exam-style review questions, and more. 
  • UNIQUE! Concentration on essential knowledge for the RN level of medical-surgical nursing practice focuses your attention on need-to-know content to pass the NCLEX Examination and practice safety as a beginning nurse.
  • NEW! Enhanced focus on QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) competencies includes new icons identifying QSEN competency material and new Quality Improvement boxes describing projects that made a dramatic difference in patient outcomes.
  • UPDATED learning features include an expanded emphasis on developing clinical judgment skills; on prioritization, delegation, and supervision skills; on long-term care issues; and on preparation for the NCLEX® Examination and consistency with the 2013 NCLEX-RN® Test Plan.
  • NEW! UNIQUE! Care of Transgender Patients chapter discusses the unique health care needs and issues specific to the transgender community.
  • Improved delineation of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses clearly differentiate NANDA diagnoses from collaborative problems.
  • NEW photos and drawings show patient care skills as well as the latest in nursing education and practice.

Product details

  • Paperback: 1872 pages
  • Publisher: Elsevier Health - US; 8 edition (3 February 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1455772585
  • ISBN-13: 978-1455772582
  • Product Dimensions: 22.9 x 7.6 x 27.9 cm

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