Modern ABC Plus of Biology Class-11 Part I & Part II (Set of 2 Books)
Penned by B.B. Arora and A.K. Sabharwal, this Modern ABC Plus of Biology textbook comes in a set of 2 volumes. The authors are adept in the field of science and have explained every function and development in the simplest form for the students to grasp the same with ease. It has been published by Modern Publishers and will prove to be a constant companion for students of class 11, who want to gain an in-depth knowledge of this diversity of living organism.
Salient Features of the Textbook:
• It comes with exercises that will let the students self-assess their knowledge base.
• It comes with activities, experiments and additional exploratory
material, which will prove to be beneficial for the students.
• Clearly labelled pictures let the students understand the different phenomenon of biology.
• Students are able to understand the concept of cell structure and its functions.
• The idea of plant physiology and human physiology would help the students in higher studies as well.
• Main features and classifications are described in a way that students find them easy to learn and remember.