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This book contains the latest technical methods for building and managing a high-perfomance data warehouse. 'The principles and implementation of Data Warehousing' is the ideal A-to-Z guide for the veteran Oracle users and newcomers alike. Database developers will be briefed on the latest technical methods for designing and building an Oracle 9i or Oracle 10g data warehouse, while administrators find out how to manage an Oracle Data Warehouse for maximum efficiency. This valuable guide is the only bok that fully covers the data warehouse features of both Oracle 9i and Oracle 10g.

Packed with practical and proven techniques from Oracle 9i insiders, the book begins with a concise yet thorough overview of data warehousing principles and practices. It provides step-by-step techniques with a lot of examples, using many of the new features in this major and significant Oracle release. It then cuts to the chase with detailed, step-by-step advice and guidance on how to:

Design a data warehouse for optimum performance.

Construct the data warehouse using Oracle 9i and Oracle 10g database technology

Load data into the data warehouse

Summarize and aggregate data within a warehouse

Build and manage very large (multiterabyte) data warehouses

Aggregate data for improved processing performance

Distribute and analyze data using advanced OLAP techniques

Administer and maintain your data warehouse

Monitor and fine-tune data warehouse performance.
