Quantity Surveying - Principles and Applications-------khanna

205.00 195.00

Quantity Survey ♦ Estimation of Buildings ♦ Estimation of Reinforcement ♦ Estimation of Special Sections and Structures ♦ Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering ♦ Electrification ♦ Irrigation Works ♦ Building Economics ♦ Comprehensive Status Report ♦ Road Works ♦ Tendering, Contractual Procedure, Drafting of Tender and Contract Documents ♦ Procedure of taking Measurements of Work and Preparation of Bill ♦ Specifications ♦ Analysis of Rates ♦ Arbitration ♦ Valuation ♦ Computerised Estimation of Quantities of Work ♦ Construction Management ♦ Prevalent Schedule of Rates.
