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This book aims at presenting the topics of Railway, Bridge and Tunnel Engi-
neering written in a simple manner. The subject-matter is characterized by
comprehension as well as methodical and easy-to-follow style.
The Section I:
Railway Engineering
is well divided in to Thirteen chapters in-
cluding Introduction; Railway track gauges; Surveys and alignment of railway
lines; Railway traction; Rails; Sleepers; Ballast; Track fittings; Geometric de
sign of a track; Resistance to traction; Points and crossings; Railway stations
and yards; Signalling and interlocking; etc.
The Section II:
Bridge Engineering
is well divided in to Nine chapters in-
Introduction; Bridge foundations; Sub-structures; Classification of bridges;
Bridge flooring; Bridge bearings; Design of bridges; Construction and erection
methods of bridge super-structure; Maintenance of the bridges; etc.
The Section III:
Tunnel Engineering
is well divided in to Nine chapters in-
General aspects of tunnelling; Alignment of a tunnel; Shafts and portals;
Tunnelling in hard rock; Tunnelling in soft ground; Tunnel lining; Lighting, ventila
tion and dust control in tunnels; Drainage of tunnels; Safety in tunnel construction;
The Appendix I gives Abbreviated Terms and Appendix II gives five solved
examination papers of GTU
Salient features of this book are:
Self-explanatory and neatly drawn sketches;
Illustrative problems;
Important useful tables;
Typical questions at the end of the chapters.
The text-matter has been arranged systematically according to the curriculum developed by the
Gujarat Technological University (G.T.U.) for the Sixth Semester students of Civil Engineering
(Subject code: 160603) and also it should prove to be extremely useful to the Civil Engineering
students preparing for the Degree Examinations of all the Indian Universities, Diploma Exami-
nations conducted by various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate Courses as well as for
the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C., G.A.T.E., I.E.S. and other similar competitive and professional examina
tions. It should also prove great of interest and practical use to the practising professionals.
