REINFORCED CONCRETE VOL.I ----------charotar

400.00 380.00

Dr. H. J.
This Volume I elucidates the basic principles involved in the analysis and design of Elementary
Reinforced Concrete Structures. The book begins with an introduction to concrete technology
and continues with chapters on design of beams, slabs, columns, foundations, retaining
walls, etc. These chapters are based on the Limit State Method following latest revision of
IS : 456-2000. A few computer programmes to design a section for flexure are introduced. It
also includes chapters on formwork and detailing of reinforcements.
The salient features of the book are:
* Simple, lucid and easy language
* Step-by-step treatment
* Exposition to practical problems
This book in its 24 chapters now contains:
* 500 Self explanatory and neat diagrams with excellent detailing
* 228 Fully-solved examples
* 257 Unsolved examples with answers and questions at the end of chapters
* 150 Useful tables
* 9 Computer programmes
* 235 Short questions with answers is given in APPENDIX A.
It is hoped that the book should be extremely useful to the Civil Engineering and Architecture
students preparing for Degree Examinations of all the Indian Universities, Diploma
Examinations conducted by various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate Courses, as
well as for the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C., G.A.T.E. and other similar competitive and professional



