Review of Cardiac Anesthesia With 2100 MCQs-Author-Poonam Malhotra Kapoor-jaypee brothers

995.00 895.00

The book containing 2100 MCQs in cardiac anesthesia is the first of its kind in the young subject of cardiac anesthesia. It is an important contribution about the study of the subject from the examination point of view. I am delighted with this interactive assessment book entitled Review of Cardiac Anesthesia (With 2100 MCQs). Examination an any subject is a must for progress. The backbone of any examination today is multiple choice questions. They guide the examinees toward the examination trends. The book is a powerful and most welcome statement about the place of examination trending in the evolving and ever-growing subject of cardiac anesthesia and the 3 sections have contributors as section editors from renowned names in cardiac anesthesia like Dr Yatin Mehta, Dr Deepak Tempe, Dr R Gopinath, Dr K Muralidhar, Dr Rajiv Juneja and Dr Naman Shastri.

The book is a compilation of echocardiography information and TEE stills and videos from perioperative TEE and TTE with explanations in Section 2 and about 250 questions in Section 3 on upcoming topics like critical care and ECMO.
Key Features
• Easy-to-use question and answer to help examinees and clinicians assess and expand their in-depth knowledge of cardiac anesthesia

• The largest question and answer text in cardiac anesthesia so far

• Contains 2,100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in cardiac anesthesia with DVD-ROM of 70 videos on echocardiography

• Well suited for all candidates seeking for DM/FNB/FIACTA/Feliowship in Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE) examinations in cardiac anesthesia

• Special sections on echocardiography, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and critical care

• Online portions in echo with all echo modalities M-mode 2D and 3D both, TTE and TEE-based taken mainly references from Textbook of Cardiac Anesthesia by Kaplan, Echocardiography by Feigenbaum and Navin C Nanda and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Guidelines by Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) registry for all three sections.
Target Audience
Useful for the students preparing for all examinations in cardiac anesthesia like DM, FNB, FIACTA and perioperative TEE examinations.
