Road Techniques---------khanna

125.00 120.00

Historical Sketch of Roads ♦ Highway Elements ♦ Determination of Road Widths ♦ Design of Road Camber & its Effect ♦ Gradients ♦ Super-elevation ♦ Extra Width on Curves ♦ Drainage of Roads♦Principles of Road Construction ♦ Curves ♦ Tests of Stone ♦ Water Bound Macadam Roads ♦ Earth Roads ♦ Kankar Roads ♦ Road Traffic and Safety Measures ♦ Survey of Roads in Plains and Hills ♦Hill Roads ♦ Asphalt, Bitumen, and Tar Roads ♦ Tar ♦ Different Forms of Pre-mixes ♦ Cement Concrete Roads ♦ Design of Pavements ♦ Highway Illumination ♦ Dust Prevention on Metalled Roads♦Arboriculture ♦ Different Types of Road Junctions ♦ Road Signs ♦ Sand-Clay Roads ♦ Paved Roads♦Rollers ♦ Mass Haul Curve ♦ Route Surveys ♦ Framing of a Road Project ♦ Traffic Engineering♦Highway Problems and Economic Considerations ♦ Techniques of Photo-interpretation as Applied to Highway Engineering ♦ Specifications for Selected Base Courses ♦ Definitions ♦ Model Questions.
