Safety in Chemical Plants/Industry and Its Management------khanna

335.00 320.00

*Safety, health and environment management systems * Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems as per OHSAS-18001 Standard and OSHA *Overview of industry safety management *Organization, administration and management responsibility in the field of safety * An Overview of Risk Analysis and Risk Management *Risks in chemical plants *Risks and hazards management in plants * Fuels Fire – its Management; Hazardous Risks from some Processes and Industries and Their Control * Explosives and Pyrotechnics *Nuclear energy and safety management *Radiation hazards * Environment and Environmental Hazards *Industrial safety analysis * Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals *Protective measures and safety in chemical industries * Guiding Principles and Rules of Safety Management to Prevent Accidents and Disasters *Principles and procedures of safety in laboratories * Safe Handling and Storage of Chemical * Industrial wastes handling and managing practices * Industrial and Chemical Wastes, Charecteristics and Methods of Treatment *Occupational health and industrial hygiene *Disaster management *First aid saves precious life *Hazardous waste management * Case Studies on Accidents and disasters in Chemical Industries
