Social Science - Geography 8 Paperback

274.00 260.00

by RK Jain (Author)

Social Science (History, Geography, Civics) for Classes 6-8 have been updated with CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation). This edition has been enriched with the following features:

- Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) 
- Short- and long-answer type questions 
- HOTS questions (from Class 3 onwards)
- Activities and projects for Formative Assessment (FA)
- Life Skills Self-assessment checklists
- Test Papers for Summative Assessment (SA) 

Special Features of the Book: 

- The books have a variety of tasks for FA and SA such as multiple-choice questions, sequencing, fill in the blanks, match the columns, true or false and short- and long-answer type questions in the section Time to Learn 
- In the section Time to Do there are tasks for FA. They include projects, research activities, field tours, discussions, case studies, creative writing, surveys, role plays, simulation, data reading and interpretation tasks and art and craft activities which will help children translate theory into practice. 
- The Surfing Activity section give useful web links to help the curious young mind explore the World Wide Web. 
- There is a special section on Life Skills to develop the thinking, social and emotional skills of the children. 
- a self-assessment checklist given after the tasks for FA and life skills activities will enable the child to assess her/his understanding of the activity.
- There are four sections in each book that give scope for more tasks for FA.
- the test papers for SA divide the books into two terms, as per the new CBSE pattern.
