Soil Testing for Engineers-----khanna

215.00 205.00

Table of Contents

*Definitions and soil classifications *Moisture content determination *Specific gravity determination *Grain size analysis *Atterberg limits and indices *Compaction test (Water content-dry density relation) *Permeability test *Consolidation test *Unconfined compression test *Direct shear test *Triaxial compression test *Differential free swell *Standard penetration test *Dynamic cone test *Field density and void ration *Plate load test *Vane shear test (field and laboratory) *Piezometers *Magnetic settlement gauge *Determination of California Bearing ratio *Determination of pH value of solids *Determination of total soluable sulphates *Determination of total soluable solids (by gravimetric method) *Determination of organic matter *Case studies *Static cone penetration test *Soil investigation in boulder-gravel deposit * Modulus of subgrade-reaction *Determination of Insitu permeability *Preliminary introductory of rock investigations *Appendix
