Study Guide for NTSE (SAT, MAT & LCT) Class 10 with Stage 1 & 2 Past Question Bank eBook Paperback

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by Disha Experts  (Author)

The revised 7th edition of Study Guide for NTSE Class 10 is empowered with an eBook which comprises of questions of Stage 1 and 2 from the years 2012-2016. The book provides learning of all the concepts involved in the syllabus of NTSE. The book covers the 2 separate sections conducted in this examination – Mental Ability Test (MAT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) including English (LCT or ELT). Salient features of the book:

• There are 26 chapters in the Mental Ability Section. 
The Scholastic Aptitude section has been divided into 9 parts – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, English, History, Geography, Civics and Economics.
• The book provides sufficient pointwise theory, solved examples followed by fully solved exercises in 2 levels STATE/UT level and National level.
• The most comprehensive coverage as per the latest syllabus of class 9 and 10.
• Maps, Diagrams and Tables to stimulate the thinking ability of the student.
• The book also contains very similar questions to what have been asked in the previous NTSE examinations.
• The book covers new variety of questions - Passage Based, Assertion-Reason, Matching, Definition based, Statement based, Feature Based, Diagram Based and Integer Answer Questions.
• The book covers a special section on Exemplar problems in Mathematics which contains a mix of problems with solutions for Stage 1 and 2.
• The book covers a special section on English Language Test which contains theoretical concepts with practice exercises for Stage 1 and 2 as per the NTSE Stage 2 format. 
• Economics has been incorporated in the Social Studies section. 
• The eBook contains the solved paper of 2014-16 NTSE 2nd Stage SAT, LCT and MAT. The eBook also includes select MCQs from Stage 1.
