Surgeons and Anesthesia -Author-S Ahanatha Pillai-jaypee brothers

795.00 715.00

This small book is aimed at the young surgeons who would like to know something about anesthesia while developing expertise in their own field. The topics and chapters have been chosen in such a way that it may be useful to the postgraduates in surgery as well as practicing surgeons. Preanesthetic assessment and preparation of the patient which would tell upon the ultimate outcome of surgery has been adequately dealt with. Without going deep into the subject, all the practical aspects are discussed with their clinical relevance. This will certainly help the surgeons to easily spot and identify the anesthesia-related problems in the perioperative period so that remedial steps could be taken without delay; and if necessary, call the anesthetic colleague for help.
Key Features
• First of its kind book-so far no such title is published

• Written by an anesthesiologist with 42 years' experience who is a renowned teacher

• A must-read interesting book for all surgeons particularly young surgeons

• A thorough and vivid discussion about operating department has been done

• Little known, but important matters in the operation theatre environment, which are likely to have an impact on the outcome of surgery are discussed without bias

• Starting from the preface, the whole book delivers innumerable interesting and important facts for surgeons, which no surgeon should miss

• Intricate details about many aspects of 'operation theatre work' that are not commonly discussed are given in a lucid way

• Carries a 'foreword' by Professor Dr Sam C Bose, a renowned, very senior plastic surgeon.
Target Audience
Young Surgeons.
