Surgical Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: Laryngeal Surgery

5,000.00 4,750.00

Laryngeal Surgery, one book in a six-volume work on Surgical Techniques in Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, is essentially the second edition of our Atlas of Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery. Laryngeal Surgery is intended as a practical resource for physicians in practice and those in training. It includes not only a general overview of various aspects of voice surgery but also intraoperative photographs. These are accompanied by detailed descriptions of surgical techniques, including “pearls”. This edition includes information on new surgical procedures never described previously such as arytenoid mobilization, vocal fold replantation, and treatment of webs with a new kind of stent. In addition to extensive new surgical material, much of the text has been modified from previously-published works written by the senior author (Robert T Sataloff). For the convenience of surgeons seeking an efficient, practical guide to voice surgery, much of this material has been condensed, reorganized, republished, rewritten and/or modified from “Professional Voice: The Science and Art of Clinical Care, Third Edition” by Robert T Sataloff, a nearly 1,800-page compendium, published by Plural Publications, Inc. (San Diego, CA) in 2005.

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